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Environmental Instruction 

Click on blue boxes to see PDF of lesson plans for each subject. 


Students created an independent environmental research projects

AP Language and Composition: Nature Journals

AP Language and Composition: Nature Journals

Biology students designed an urban garden and determined the potential biomass.

AP Literature: Wordsworth Poetry Prompt

10th grade: Research and Warm-Up

Digital Art Students created posters based on conservation topics using Adobe Programs to promote awareness. 


Foundations of Technology students researched businesses that participates in alternative energy resources.


AP Environmental students examined the different types of pollution and their effect.

Chemistry students researched an alternative fuel and conducted a cost analysis.

AP Chemistry students examined the chemical reactions involved in different environmental topics.

Wildlife Biology students studied endangered species and examined the efforts of different conservation organizations.

Biology students designed an urban garden and determined the potential biomass.

Social Studies

Students studied the impact of U.S. economic policy on global warming. 

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